wsp not getting deployed in all servers
Last week, got into an issue that wsp was not deployed in all servers and hang. Please find below more information on that: Issue: Unable to deploy wsp solution in SP2016 On-Premise server Resolution : C leared SharePoint config cache and rebooted all SharePoint servers and the SQL server, r an the command Add-SPSolution and Install-SPSolution and the .wsp solution got deployed Troubleshooting Steps Followed: - In Central Admin checked in Farm Solution Management the status was stuck on deploying - Stopped the SharePoint Admin and SharePoint Timer services - Checked and found multiple One-time jobs, deleted those using the scripts below - Find onetimer running job from timer job definition and delete with below query Get-SPTimerJob | where{$_.schedule.description -eq "One-time"} | ForEach-Object{$_.Delete()} Get-SPTimerJob | where{$_.DisplayName -eq $null} | fo...