
Showing posts from May, 2019

wsp not getting deployed in all servers

Last week, got into an issue that wsp was not deployed in all servers and hang. Please find below more information on that: Issue: Unable to deploy wsp solution in SP2016 On-Premise server Resolution : C leared SharePoint config cache and rebooted all SharePoint servers and the SQL server, r an the command Add-SPSolution and  Install-SPSolution and the .wsp solution got deployed Troubleshooting Steps Followed: -     ​In Central Admin checked in Farm Solution Management the status was stuck on deploying​ -     Stopped the SharePoint Admin and SharePoint Timer services -     Checked and found multiple One-time jobs​, deleted those using the scripts below ​   -     Find onetimer running job from timer job definition and delete with below query Get-SPTimerJob | where{$_.schedule.description -eq "One-time"} | ForEach-Object{$_.Delete()}​ Get-SPTimerJob | where{$_.DisplayName -eq $null} | fo...