
Showing posts from 2014

External List - Fetch data from SQL using SQL Authentication and Secure Store Service

Steps Configuring Secure Store Service 1.        Go to Central Administration à Manage Service Application à Check Secure Store Service Application is running. 2.        If Secure Store Application is not there, create new Secure Store Service 3.        Then click “New” button to create a new target application using the “Group” type 4.        Give the details for – Target Application Id, Display Name, Contact Email and Target Application 5.        Click Next, Choose “User Name” and “Password” from the dropdown options. Also change the name from Windows User Name to “User Name” and Windows Password to “Password” 6.        Give Service account/(account with admin access) name in the screen and give permission for the user to edit the details if required later 7.    ...

Configuring SQL Server authentication for External Content Types

Disable duplicate value in search result webpart - SharePoint

Disable duplicate value in search result webpart can be avoided by changing the attribute TrimDuplicates default value. By default it is set as true and hence the similar items will be trimmed. To avoid this, TrimDuplicates value need to be set as false like, 'TrimDuplicates':false

SharePoint - Sorting in Search result webpart

SharePoint 2013 - Search Result Web Part sorting Search result web part sorting is different from content search web part. Here sorting need to be done in AvailableSortsJson attribute and not in FallbackSort attribute AvailableSortsJson="[{'name':'Created (A-Z)','sorts':[{'p':'Created','d':1}]}]