
Showing posts from 2017

HttpOnly Cookie and Secure Cookie

Today, I had a situation to explore on the restricting on the access vulnerability of the external facing SharePoint Site.  Wanted to explore on httponly cookie and secure (httpsonly) cookie. Gone through the below link and it has nice information about it. 

Deleting list or libraries in SharePoint where delete option is not there

In SharePoint, some lists/libraries deletion option could not be found in the settings. Example: Documents, Style Library etc., Their delete option are kept as false by default. To enable Delete option, following script need to be executed, $web = Get-SPWeb <<Site Url>> $list = $web.Lists["Documents"] $list.AllowDeletion = $True $list.Update()

Link another SharePoint list from a list

Link another SharePoint List from a list view -           Create a new field/column in the parent list as calculated field and do hyperlink as ="<a href='http://<<SiteUrl>>/Lists/<<ListName>>/<<ViewName>>.aspx?Filter1="&CustomColumn1&"'>Task Status</a>" -           Create a custom view of the child list -           Customize the aspx form of the new view created and add below lines through SharePoint Designer <ParameterBinding Name=”Filter1” Location=”QueryString(Filter1)” DefaultValue=”’> -           Once this line is created, a new view will be created in the same page like <View> <Value Type> -           Now filter the child list by choosing Title – Contains {Filter1...

SharePoint Library/List url path change

We all know to change the List/Library Title from the SharePoint OOB List Settings. But to change the url of the list/library which will be usually set by internal name. Open SharePoint designer --> All Files --> Select List/Library - right click and rename and change the name of the list. Now the url will get updated. Remove the old item from the "Quick Launch" and add it again. Now you should able to see the list/library with updated url.

To find SharePoint version from the Site URL

1. To find the sharepoint version, simply add the below in the end of site url,     _vti_pvt/service.cnf 2. Other way is using Developer tool (F12) and go to Network --> File --> Select any one and check the MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices under "Header". It shows the version number

SharePoint supported languages, language cultures and locale ids

Language Name Culture Name Locale ID Arabic ar-sa 1025 Bulgarian bg-bg 1026 Catalan ca-es 1027 Chinese (Simplified) zh-cn 2052 Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) zh-tw 1028 Croatian hr-hr 1050 Czech cs-cz 1029 Danish da-dk 1030 Dutch nl-nl 1043 English en-us 1033 Estonian et-ee 1061 Finnish fi-fi 1035 French fr-fr 1036 German de-de 1031 Greek el-gr 1032 Hebrew he-il 1037 Hindi hi-in 1081 Hungarian hu-hu 1038 Italian it-it 1040 Japanese ja-jp 1041 Kazakh kk-kz 1087 Korean ko-kr 1042 Latvian lv-lv 1062 Lithuanian lt-lt 1063 Norwegian (Bokmål) nb-no 1044 Polish pl-pl 1045 Portuguese (Brazil) pt-br 1046 Portuguese (Portugal) pt-pt 2070 Romanian ro-ro 1048 Russian ru-ru 1049 Serbian (Latin) sr-latn-cs 2074 Slovak sk-sk 1051 Slovenian sl-si 1060 Spanish es-es 3082 Swedish sv-se 1053 Thai th-th 1054 Turkish tr-tr ...

Finding SiteTemplate of a SharePoint Site

To find sitetemplate of a SharePoint site, right click mouse on any page of the site, for View Source and search for " SiteTemplateId ". It will show the template name. Usually it will be assigned to a javascript variable.