
Showing posts from April, 2020

SPDActivities - DP.SharePoint.Workflow - Workflow failed to run

One of my SP 2016 application is using SPDActivities of Email extended feature of DP.SharePoint.Workflow to provide custom "From" address. But customers started to complain that they are not getting reminder emails anymore. Find below my STAR analysis, Situation : Recently I was facing an issue - Approval workflow failed to run. Customers not getting reminder emails anymore. Task : - Planned to look into SharePoint services, IIS site, web.config files (WFE and App Server), Latest patch/MS update/CU, Users permission. Analysis : Started looking into each below items,  - SharePoint Timer Service and Administration services were running and good - Account which is running the workflow got required permission - DP.SharePoint.Workflow got activated for the web application - Checked into web.config file in WFE server and App Server for below sections Under <SafeControls> below 3 lines need to added both in WFE and App server web.config files, ...

SharePoint Designer workflow restore previous version - Applies to SP versions - 2013,2010 and 2007

Today I got into a situation to restore the previous version of one of the SharePoint Designer 2010 workflows, created in SharePoint Designer 2013. 1.      In the left pane of SharePoint Designer, click the little pin icon next to  All Files . 2.      Now look for the folder Workflows on the right pane and look for your workflow. 3.      My situation was to restore a previous version of the workflow “Reminder Test. Select and expand it.  4.      Each of these files has a set of versions. Right click on the XOML file and choose  Version History . Select the version you would like to restore. (For my there is some problem in loading version history and so couldn’t provide the screenshot) 5.      Click  Restore . 6.      Right click on the next file, the XOML.rules. Go find that exact same date/time of the f...