
Showing posts from May, 2015

SharePoint 2013: Chart Web Part Missing

Introduction Sometimes, the Chart web part may not appear, even after you enable the Publisher Infrastructure.  Or, maybe you want to add the chart web part without having to enable Publisher Infrastructure.  This posting shows you how. Procedure Login to any farm server hosting SharePoint as a Site Collection Administrator. Go to: Settings > Site Settings > Go to top level site settings > Web Designer Galleries > Web parts. Click the FILES tab. Click N ew Document . Scoll down the list and look for: Microsoft.Office.Server.WebControls.ChartWebPart . Check this item. Scroll back up to the top, and then click the Populate Gallery button. Wait for it to refresh. Scoll down the list and look for: ChartWebPart.webpart . Click its Edit button. Enter the value, Content Rollup , or enter any other web part group value appropriate to your needs. Click Save . That's it.  The next time you open a web page in edit mode and search for a web part to add ...

Power BI Designer and Power BI Dashboard

Creating a dashboard from SharePoint list using Excel services

Power BI Designer Data Sources

Working with User Profile Properties using REST API

Hi, Please find how to retrieve user profile properties using REST API,

Working with User Porfiles and Javascript CSOM

Hi, Please find the useful code for retrieving user profile properties using javascript CSOM, <script src="//"></script> <script src="/_layouts/15/SP.Runtime.js"></script> <script src="/_layouts/15/SP.js"></script> <script src="/_layouts/15/SP.UserProfiles.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){   $(document).ready(function(){          // Ensure that the SP.UserProfiles.js file is loaded before the custom code runs.     SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(loadUserData, 'SP.UserProfiles.js');   });   var userProfileProperties;   function loadUserData(){     //Get Current Context     var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();    //Get Instance of People Manager Class     var peopleManager = new SP.UserProfiles.Peo...

Solving “Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls"

Today while working in SharePoint Designer, all of a sudden I started getting the error - Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls. After debugging for few minutes and with the help of below article, I found it is just an extra character found outside <asp:content> placeholder.

Active Directory display names and LDAP Names

Default User Profile Properties/Attributes with display name

Here I have mentioned the user profile default properties/attributes to fetch information for any logged in user,

Active Directiry Import for SharePoint 2013

Active Directory Import (AKA Active Directory Direct Import – ADDI) is one of the new features in SharePoint 2013 allowing you to import users from active directory into your SharePoint User Profile Service Application. Please refer the below url for complete information,

Adding class onload using jQuery - Accordion expand and collapse

Syntax:   $ ( '.navigation a:first' ). addClass ( 'active' ); 1 . Below is the styles (.css file) /* Accordion - Starts */ /*----- Accordion -----*/ #accordion {  border: 1px solid green;  margin-left 40px;  width: 30px;  height: 30px;  text-align: center;  line-height: 30px;     font-size 20px; } .accordion-close span {  display: block;  float: right;  background: url(../images/plus.png) center center no-repeat;  padding: 10px; } .accordion-open span {  background: url(../images/minus.png) center center no-repeat; } .accordion, .accordion * {  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;  box-sizing: border-box; } .accordion {  overflow: hidden;  box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);  border-radius: 3px; /* background: #006994; */  background:#008CC6; } /*----- Section Titles -----*/ .accordion-section-title {  width: 100%; ...