OOPS - Interface, Abstract, Delegate well explained in code

using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler ;

namespace csharpoops

                  abstract class test1
                                  public abstract int Fun(int a,int b);   

                                  public int Checking(int d,int e)


                                               return d-e; 


                 //Interface Example

                   public interface Icalc

                                  int fn_add(int x, int y );


                 //Structure Example

                    struct employee


                                 public string name;
                                 public int age;
                                 public long salary; 


                 //Enumerator Example

                 public enum state


                               off = 1,

                                on   = 2



                 // Delegate Example

                 public delegate void simpledelegate();

                 public delegate int advdelegate();

                 delegate void CheckDelegate();

                                 class Class1:test1,Icalc 


                                                //Abstract Class  

                                                public override int Fun(int x,int y) 

                                                                return x + y;


                                                 // Interface implementation

                                                public int fn_add(int x, int y)


                                                                return x + y; 


                                                 public long fn_add(long y , long z) 


                                                                return y + z;


                                                 public double fn_add(double x,double y,double z) 

                                                                return x + y + z; 


                                                 public string fn_add(string x,string y,string z)  


                                                                return x + y + z;


                                                 public static void fn_welcome() 


                                                                Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Delegates"); 


                                                 public void fn_afterdelg() 


                                                                Console.WriteLine("Welcome to after delegates"); 


                                                 // Declaring string type property 'name' 

                                                string m_name; 

                                                string Value=""; 

                                                public string name 



                                                                                return m_name;




                                                                                m_name = Value; 



                                                 static void Main(string[] args)


                                                                int i1; 

                                                                long l1=3356544876; 

                                                                Console.WriteLine("Logn value" + l1); 


                                                                Console.WriteLine("Integer value" + i1);  

                                                                employee emp; 

                                                                emp.name ="ravi";

                                                                emp.age =25; 

                                                                emp.salary = 10000;                          
                                                                Console.WriteLine("*****************structure implementation*******************");





                                                                Console.WriteLine("*****************Enumerator implementation*******************"); 

                                                                state x; 

                                                                x = state.off;



                                                                                case state.on: 

                                                                                Console.WriteLine("iam here at on state"); 



                                                                                case state.off: 

                                                                                                Console.WriteLine("iam here at off state");



                                                                int y ;


                                                                y = 0;








                                                                                case 1:






                                                                                case 2:








                                                                Console.WriteLine("******************** Interface implementation ***********************");

                                                                Class1 obj =  new Class1();

                                                                int  resint;


                                                                resint = obj.fn_add(3,4);


                                                                Console.WriteLine("the value of function add int   " + resint);




                                                                long reslong;


                                                                reslong = obj.fn_add(2,1);


                                                                Console.WriteLine("the value of function add long   " + reslong);




                                                                double resdbl;


                                                                resdbl = obj.fn_add(2,3,4);


                                                                Console.WriteLine("the value of function add double   " + resdbl);




                                                                string resstring;


                                                                resstring = obj.fn_add("ravi","krishnan","rajasekaran");


                                                                Console.WriteLine("the value of function add string   " + resstring);




                                                                Console.WriteLine("*********************** Delegate Implementation ***********************");




                                                                simpledelegate delobj = new simpledelegate(fn_welcome);






                                                                simpledelegate delaftobj = new simpledelegate(obj.fn_afterdelg);






                                                                Console.WriteLine("*********Abstract Class***********");


                                                                int result;


                                                                result = obj.Fun(4,69);


                                                                Console.WriteLine("The abstract class result is" + result);






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